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Epoksidinės dervos

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Epidian 010

Resin in the form of irregular, clear petals.


Semi-products mainly used to manufacture powder paints and two-component solvent varnishes, hardened at room temperature with aliphatic polyamines and polyaminoamides.

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Epidian 011

Resin in the form of irregular, clear petals.


Semi-products used to manufacture powder paints.

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Epidian 012

Resin in the form of irregular, clear petals.


Semi-products used to manufacture powder paints and epoxy-esters.

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Epidian 014

Resin in the form of irregular, clear petals.


It is used mainly to manufacture hot-hardened, one-component epoxy-phenol varnishes and one-component epoxy varnishes, cross-linked amine resins with high chemical resistance. It is used also to manufacture baked epoxy-ester enamels and two-component varnishes hardened with polyisocyanates at room temperature.

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Epidian 5

Resin in the form of a clear, high viscosity liquid with a light yellow colour.


Used mainly in the manufacture of flooring compounds, concrete primers, adhesives, varnishes, mastics hardened at room temperature and as a bonding agent for epoxy and glass laminate, as well as a filling compound for electric and electronic elements. Epidian 5 is also used to manufacture compositions hardened in higher temperature with appropriate hardeners, as aromatic amines, acidic anhydrides, imidazoles, dicyandiamides etc. for applications that require higher heat and chemical resistance and dielectric strength.

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Epidian 6

Resin in the form of a clear, high viscosity liquid with a light yellow colour.


Used mainly in the manufacture of chemically resistant tank linings, solvent-free coatings, flooring compounds and primers, fibre-reinforced pipes, tanks, composites, etc., adhesives for metal, glass, porcelain, stoneware, basalt, etc., saturants for laminates and resin fills used in electrical engineering and electronics, compositions containing organic or inorganic fillers. The compositions are hardened at room temperature with polyamides, polyaminoamides, cycloaliphatic amines or their adducts. Epidian 6 is also used to manufacture compositions hardened in higher temperature with hardeners, as aromatic amines, acidic anhydrides, imidazoles, dicyandiamides, etc. for applications that require high heat and chemical resistance and dielectric strength.

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Epidian 100

Solid-state resin with a yellow to orange colour.


Heat gluing of cast iron and its alloys, steel and coloured metals, ceramics and some plastics.

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Epidian 52

This resin is a low viscosity, clear liquid with a light yellow colour, a composition of epoxy resin and an active diluent.


Manufacture of laminates with fibreglass, cold gluing of metals, glass, ceramics, as resin fill in electronics (with the possibility of using fillers, such as silicon dust, porcelain dust).

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Epidian 53

The resin is a clear, low viscosity epoxy composition modified with an inactive diluent, with a light yellow to yellow colouring. After hardening, it features very favourable electric insulation properties.


Manufacture of laminates with fibreglass, cold gluing of metals, glass, ceramics, as fill for condensers, terminal resistors, cable terminals and entire components in electronics, to perform moulds with fillings.

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Epidian 57

The resin is a two-component, solvent-free, viscous composition with a yellow to light brown colouring.


Gluing metals, glass, leather, ceramics and wood.

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Epidian 450

The resin is a low viscosity, clear, two-component composition containing inactive diluents.


Versatile bonding agents used to prepare laminates and compositions with fillers. Saturants for fabrics and glass mats.

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Epidian 505

The resin is a liquid, slightly opaque composition with an inactive diluent and modification products.


Versatile bonding agents used to prepare compositions with fillers. Saturants for fabrics and glass mats.

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Epidian 622

Resin in the form of a white, smooth compound contains an active diluent and inorganic pigment.


Gluing of metals, ceramics — white colour 

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Epidian 659

The resin is a low viscosity, clear liquid with a light yellow colour that contains an active diluent.


Performance of solvent-free coatings, preparing anti-corrosion mastics and trowels, compositions with fillers and laminates with fibreglass.

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Epidian 115

The epoxy resin solution in xylene has the form of a clear liquid with a light yellow colour.


Semi-product for the manufacture of chemically resistant varnishes and cold hardened epoxy paints.

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Epidian 1450

The epoxy resin solution in organic solvents has the form of a viscous liquid with a light yellow colour.


Semi-product for the manufacture of epoxy-phenol varnishes for applications in can and coil coatings technology.

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Epidian 112

Epoxy resin solution in organic solvents has the form of a clear, viscous liquid with a straw to yellow colour.


Manufacture of anti-corrosion and protective and decorative coatings on concrete and steel surfaces. The coatings obtained from this varnish show resistance to the effects of water, alkalis, aliphatic hydrocarbons (e.g. gasoline, fuel oils), many organic solvents, acid solutions (non-oxidising) and inorganic salts. Not appropriate for exterior painting.

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Epidian 430

Two-component mastic with high chemical resistance.


Laying chemically resistant floorings made of acid resistant tiles or moulders in industrial facilities.

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Epidian 6011

This resin is a low viscosity, clear liquid with a light yellow colour, a composition with active and inactive diluents.


Concrete impregnation, injection, manufacture of epoxy and glass laminates and protective coatings in concrete and steel tanks. Coating made of Epidian ® 6011 + hardener IDA has a NIH approval for contact with drinking water and a COBRO certification for contact with selected food articles.

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Epidian 652

The resin has the form of a clear, viscous liquid with a light yellow colour, which contains a single purpose active diluent.


For impregnation, reinforcement and protection of concrete from dusting, as an intersubstanceste layer under epoxy floorings, formation of stone carpeting and trowel systems.

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Epidian 561

Two-component, solvent-free, coloured composition for constructing self-levelling floorings on a concrete substructure.


Construction of coloured floorings with good mechanical and chemical resistance. Recommended for constructing floorings on concrete substructure in industrial facilities, also in food industry and utilities, residential buildings, etc.

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Epidian 562

Two-component anti-electrostatic flooring composition for structures with high explosion and fire hazard.


Construction of anti-electrostatic flooring screed with good chemical and mechanical resistance. Used in structures subject to explosion and fire hazard, e.g. production halls, paint rooms, flammable material warehouses, etc. The composition is also recommended for rooms which require floorings that do not accumulate electric charges.

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Epidian 601

The resin is a low viscosity, clear liquid with a light yellow colour that contains an active diluent.


Impregnation and protection of concrete, preparation of flooring compounds and manufacture of laminates with fibreglass. The composition is used inside utility and industrial facilities, including in the food industry. It can be used in rooms subject to high loads caused by traffic of vehicles on wheels with tyres.

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Epidian 607

The resin is a low viscosity, clear liquid with a light yellow colour that contains active diluents.


Impregnation and protection of concrete, preparation of flooring compounds (stone carpeting) and manufacture of laminates with fibreglass.

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Epidian 664

Two-component, solvent-free, coloured composition for thin coating protection of concrete walls and floorings.


Construction of thin floorings on concrete substructures to protect concrete from dusting and obtain aesthetic and easy to clean floorings with resistance to the impact of water, lyes, gasoline and fuel oil.

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Epidian 6012

Two-component, low particle composition has the form of a clear liquid with a light yellow colour.


Manufacture of multi-layer laminates with fibreglass.

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Epidian 624

Two-component, solvent-free composition with low viscosity.


Manufacture of laminates with fibreglass and protective coatings in concrete and steel tanks.

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Epidian 635

A solution of low-molecular epoxy resin in bifunctional reactive diluent. It is a clear, colourless or light-yellow liquid.


Semi-product for producing epoxy-glass laminates and cold-cured solventless coatings.

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Epidian 629

Low-molecular epoxy resin modified with a bifunctional reactive diluent in the form of a clear, viscous light-yellow liquid.


Production of epoxy-glass laminates and solventless coatings

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Epidian 652

Epoxy-based composition, a mixture of low-molecular epoxy resins, modified with a monofunctional reactive diluent, in the form of a clear, viscous light-yellow liquid.


Production of epoxy-glass laminates, solventless coatings, sealants and anti-corrosion compounds.

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Epoksidinės dervos